About AS3 Employment

We at AS3 Employment have exclusively specialised in advising to help people to get ahead in the labour market since 1989.

We have extensive experience and expertise in work-related advising of participants with different backgrounds, starting points and wishes. Through various co-operations in the entire Nordic region, we have implemented a number of different initiatives and programmes.

Contact us

We are centrally located in the centre of Oslo and have offices in several cities in Norway. Contact us for an informal meeting or for other inquiries. We are there for you!

The AS3 Portal

When taking a programme with us, you will have access to the AS3 Portal as a part of your programme. Here you will find tools for use in your job search around the clock


Working with AS3 Employment

AS3 Employment is a professional advising company which has helped people get ahead in their job and career since 1989. We implement a number of labour market initiatives adapted to different groups of unemployed people and people on sick leave. AS3 Employment is part of AS3 Companies which is one of the biggest players in career advising in the Nordic region.